Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's like Witnessing the First Death Trial...

I've been meaning to get a haircut and today, since I had nothing much to do, I walked my way to the  other side of the neighborhood. There's this super small barbershop with lame paint on its walls.
I warmly greeted the 40something man who sat  on the stool with his back on me. He put aside his newspaper, Bali Post, and instead of reply my probably way too enthusiastic Good Afternoon, he looked at me, his hard expression turned into something like half-baked smile. I smiled back, confused.

He motioned his head to the next stool to indicate I should get my ass off to it. I obliged.

'Short cut?'

I didn't bother to look up at him, the way his fingers played around with his electric shaver, for the first 3 minutes. Then I felt his clumsiness.

I really wanted to slap him.  A bitchslap. Hard.

Yan and Andi literally STAREd at me and sighed. 'I know, rite?!' I said, 'and now, please stop molesting me with THAT look. Thank you.'

The three of us were outside the house. Laughed. With the shirts off, taking a refuge to the rather cool breeze. We sat stood there for a while until we've run out topics and retreated to each rooms, shut the doors. Came outside later because someone was plugging too much appliances that the elcetricity went down--is that how you call it? Went Down. Damn, I should look up Thesaurussomething.