Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We are still under the doom of rainy season which was supposed to be ended last Feb. March till August are supposed to be sunny-all-the-way, our tropical summer slash drought season, but we have been staring at the late afternoon and evening rain which comes constantly/regularly.

Last Tuesday, I had spent the whole morning at home with Green laid lazily on the living room floor, while Al was occupied with his newspaper reading on the front porch. After Al had gone to work, I asked Green if he'd like to go to the Melati market to buy some stuffs, he didnt feel like going out to the market because it is always muddy and messy during the rainy season, I'm taking a rest, I will attend my Brevet class soon, he said.

I had an idea, so I called Mrs. Deb phone, the married woman who lives in my ex-landlady's. I waited for her for a few minutes before she walked behind those mini buses that were lined up in a light traffic of the very small road, all smiled [as usual, she's super courteous to me,] and walked closer with this shopping bag (keranjang.) Apparently, she had ordered her veggies and all from one of the sellers, "What do you wanna buy?" she asked me as I followed her crossed the jammed road to the other side of the market, "Some vegetables," I replied.

I bought carrot, chillies, beans, tomatoes, onions, tempe, Tofu, ikan Teri Asin.
Honestly, when I bought those things, I tried to raked my brain, made a plan of what I'd cook that day and the day after, until the next shopping on Friday afternoon, hopefully with her company. And I couldnt make up my mind of what to cook.

Earlier that day, when I cooked Kiko's food, as I poured out the Sweetener (Royco) onto the boiling chicken, I read the back of its sachet (the Royco.) It has recipes!! Different ones in each sachets!! I looked at Kiko who had just finished his breakfast, "yeah, buddy. Daddy's gonna cook!!" Of course he didnt decipher my human language, but he understood the excitement, he wiggled his tail, happy for me.

So, yeah, I said to myself, "Tofu soup! I'm gonna serve myself Tofu soup!! I will add Toge on it, eventhough it wasnt listed on the ingredients" But when I reached my right hand to the Vegetable, I called off the plan. The veg i wanted to buy, that vegetable, were simply not fresh anymore.

I fried the tempe, ikan teri, tofu, mixed them with the tomato+chille sambal. And I also mixed the beans and the potatoes which i had bought a few days earlier, and the carrot. The food are not disappointing!!

"Dont get angry, but you overcooked the tempe while the tofu was supposed to be fried longer," Green gave his input.

I want to cook a delicious chicken soup but I need to get the right recipe.

Mom phoned me last Sunday, asked me to come home to attend my cousin's wedding on this April 04. I said I can't. I will be away for the whole month of May from work. Besides, I dont fancy wedding. The whole sing thing is always awful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Alright this blog was sweet and simple and good also loved to read it.